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Ingredient Market (August 2009)

(Updated: 31 August 2009)

Ingredient Market

Bacon (3900) | Salad (3600) | Dragon Fruit (3800)

01 Aug (Sat): Flour (4,700) | Pumpkin (2,600) | Onion (2,600)
02 Aug (Sun): Tea Leaves (3,200) | Carrot (3,500) | Mango (3,300)
03 Aug (Mon): Banana (2,900) | Bayleaf (3,200) | Prawn (3,900)
04 Aug (Tue): Pomegranate (3,600) | Coffee Beans (4,300) | Chili (4,400)
05 Aug (Wed): Tuna (3,300) | Beans (4,000) | Saffron (2,500)
06 Aug (Thu): Lemon (4,300) | Beef (4,800) | Chicken (3,200)
07 Aug (Fri): Kiwi (4000) | Rice (4500) | Onion (3800)
08 Aug (Sat): Coffee (4400) | Salad (4700) | Chicken (4100)
09 Aug (Sun): Tuna (4,100) Lobster (4,400) Milk (4,700)
10 Aug (Mon): Lamb (2600) | Ice (2800) | Mushroom (2900)
11 Aug (Tue): Tea Leaves (4,800) Pork (2,500) Mango (3,500)
12 Aug (Wed): Banana (3000) | Noodles (3500) | Onion (4000)
13 Aug (Thu): Potato (2700) | Strawberry (3200) | Noodles (4700)
14 Aug (Fri): Egg (3700) | Bacon (4100) | Rice (2800)
15 Aug (Sat): Lemon (3400) | Mushroom (3800) | Dragon Fruit (3400)
16 Aug (Sun): Garlic (4200) | Bayleaf (4800) | Tomato (4000)
17 Aug (Mon): Bread (3800) | Lobster (4500) | Pasta (4600)
18 Aug (Tues): Basil (2900)| Beans (2800)| Strawberry (2500)
19 Aug (Wed): Peach (4500) | Pepperoni (2600) | Onion (3400)
20 Aug (Thurs): Pomegranate (3400) | Lobster (4500) | Tea Leaves (4900)
21 Aug (Fri): Tealeaves (4900) | Pomengranate (3400) | Lobster (4500)
22 Aug (Sat): Pasta (2700) | Beans (3500) | Prawn (4200)
23 Aug (Sun): Tea Leaves (3100) | Pumpkin (3300) | Peas (4000)
24 Aug (Mon): Tomato (4500) | Sweet Corn (4500) | Chicken (4900)
25 Aug (Tues): Bread (2600) | Strawberry (2900) | Garlic (4200)
26 Aug (Wed): Sugar (3300) | Potato (2600) | Basil (3100)
27 Aug (Thurs): Strawberry (3900) | Dragon Fruit (4100) | Flour (4800)
28 Aug (Fri): Chicken (3300) | Pumpkin (3600) | Tomato (4400)
28 Aug (Fri) After maintenance: Leek (3600) | Saffron (3300) | Dragon Fruit (4400)
29 Aug (Sat): Lobster (2500) | Beans (3000) | Banana (3200)
30 Aug (Sun): Banana (3200) | Peach (3900) | Coffee Beans (4800)
31 Aug (Mon): Bacon (3900) | Salad (3600) | Dragon Fruit (3800)

Not sure how many ingredients to complete all level 10 Dishes? Click Here

Play Restaurant City in Windows 7 Now

If you been frustrated playing Playfish games such as Restaurant City or Country Story at a slower speed, probably it's time to change to a new Operating System. Try the newest installment to the Windows Family, Windows 7! Get the pre-order copy right now!

Get your Pre-Order Copy of Windows 7 Now and Save 50%!

If you live in the US, Canada or Japan you can now pre-order Windows 7 for a limited time, so hurry and place your order now to save up to $100! Click here to learn more about pre-ordering Windows 7.

Windows 7 Release Date has been set at 22nd October 2009. This will be the first day that customers will be able to Buy Windows 7. Below you will find information that will help you decide which version of Windows 7 is right for you as well as links to the best places to buy Windows 7.

There are several versions to choose from, but Windows 7 Home Premium will be the one chosen by most users. Microsoft has built the editions to include features that “smaller” editions do not contain. This is in contrast to Windows Vista where more expensive editions missed some of the features of less expensive ones.
Don't wait. Buy Windows 7 Online right now!

Restaurant City - Experience Points Cheats

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) Flash Player 9

1. Open your RC and Cheat Engine 5.5
2. On Cheat Engine Tick HEX, Also scan Read-only memory and 8 bytes,and when RC loads scan FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2
3. You will Find 1 address, right click it and clicked Disassemble it.
4. You will be able to see mov eax, FFFFFFFF change it to mov eax, 00004e20
5. Go back to Restaurant City and every time your waiter clear the plates you will get an increase of 4,000 exp points.

How to Remove base and Roof in Restaurant City

While visiting your friend, you may noticed how did your friend managed to get those Invisible Roof and Base. Here in Restaurant City Tips, we show you how!

1) Click decorate on Outdoor
2) Buy a new Roof
3) Gift the old Roof to Someone
4) DO NOT click on the tick!!
5) Click the Restaurant city at the bookmark or Refresh Restaurant City
6) Wait it loads....
7) You will notice your Roof has disappear
8) Repeat same process for your Base

Restaurant City - Freeze Staff Hack

Tools you need :
1) Cheat Engine 5.5 or Here
2) Firefox
3) RC Tools v5.1
4) Flash Player 9

Open your RC Tools v5.1
1) Open RC Tools v5.1 and click on Stamina Tab
2) Paste code D85D89C33B28408B and F05D89C33B28408B into the Hex box, set to 8 bytes and check Also scan read-only memory.
3) Scan, get the address and Paste into RC Tools 5.1
4) Click Get Code, and paste the Code under Description
5) Enable Jackal's Workers HP++
6) Check your RC and you will noticed your staffs energy freeze at 100%

What's the Garden for in Restaurant City?

What are they?
The garden allows you to grow stuff!

When can I have them?
Level 16.

What is the maximum number of plots?

What do the information shown on top of the plants mean?
There are two lines. The first line on top, with a plant sign and a water drop means how long it takes before the water dries up. The count should start at 9 hours.

The bottom line shows how long it needs for the plant to grow. The count should start and 48 hours.

How much do seeds cost?
2000 dollars.

How to water plants / grow crops?
Just click on the plot!

Can we water friends' farm?
No, you can't either water the seeds for your friends or see the time remaining for the watering and harvest.

Restaurant City - Menu Competition

Restaurant City - Menu Competition

So your restaurant is pretty hot stuff. You're pushing a 4 star rating and with just a few finishing touches a place on Gourmet Street could be well within your grasp, but how are you in the kitchen?

With the latest Restaurant City competition we're going to find out!

We want you to design your very own menu for Restaurant City.

You could create a starter, a main meal, dessert and a refreshing drink to wash it down, or maybe if you've got a sweet tooth you could stick to a selection of desserts. Maybe you're not too big on food but you'd love to design a drink for the game.

We'll put the starter, main meal, dessert and drink which we think sounds tastiest into the game for everyone to use in their own restaurant and what's more we'll give the chef who created such a delicious course 100,000 coins to give their restaurant the makeover of their dreams!

Restaurant City - Menu Competition
How do you enter? Just create the recipes for your dream courses and post them up on the forum by the competition close on September 14th. You could just include the name and ingredients needed for the course, or include a whole recipe if you'd like everyone to try your idea.

All we ask is that the courses are non-alcoholic, and that at least 3 of the ingredients in the recipe can be found in Restaurant City. That's because when we put the courses in the game we want the ingredients to reflect those in your recipe masterpiece!

Restaurant City - Menu Competition
Make sure that before you enter you are aware of our terms and conditions for the contest. This is also where you´ll find the details of when you need to submit your entry by.

Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List

chairs, tables, doors, functional, stoves, drink dispensers, wallpaper, tiles, windows, decorations
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List

doors, windows, paint, signs, decoration, roofs
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List

shirts, skirts, pants, hats, eyes, mouths, eyebrows, extra, facial hair, hair
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List
Restaurant City - The Complete Item Price List

Restaurant City - Advanced Optimisation Guide

A business exists to make money. A rational business will only pamper the consumer just enough to make them part with their money.

This will be the main principle of this guide. It will focus on how to extract the absolute maximum Gourmet Points/Income from your restaurant, sometimes at the expense of popularity. This guide will lay down some principles for leveling up at the highest possible speed. Out of necessity, it may seem like a very cold-hearted guide. But business is business.

Chapter 1. Why popularity isn't everything
I'm sure you see many layout guides which promise to attain you the maximum 50 popularity. However, what is more important is the actual turnover of your restaurant i.e. how many customers you serve per hour. This is because each customer served is worth the same amount of GP and coins whether you are at 0 popularity or at 50 popularity. Your aim should be to get the highest possible turnover instead of achieving the maximum popularity.

Chapter 2. What is popularity?
That is not to say popularity is not important. Popularity determines how many people come into your restaurant i.e. how many potential customers you get. It's no good having lots of empty tables, cooks and waiters but no customers. While it is not the most important factor, high popularity can help you to achieve a high turnover for your restaurant by ensuring all tables are filled all the time.

What exactly is popularity?
At its most simple, you gain 0.1 popularity when you serve a customer food/drinks (for level 15 and above) successfully.
You lose 0.1 popularity when a customer waits too long to be served.

Chapter 3. Popularity vs Turnover
It is easy to get high popularity. All you have to do is pamper your customer, by a. Giving them clean toilets (possibly using a cleaner) and b. Cut back on the number of seats in your restaurant. This is because people who come in at the door and do not have a seat are less likely to lose you popularity. Only when you take too long to serve people seated at tables then they will give you the thumbs down.

It is easy to get high turnover too. All you have to do is to have a great amount of tables such that table space will never be the bottleneck for dishes served. Whatever your kitchen produces, it will serve. Extra table space only means that some customers will wait too long... Hey... Wait...

Do you see the problem? Cutting down on tables reduces your turnover. However placing too many tables results in many irate customers. If you don't believe it, try this experiment. Try having a one table restaurant, make that one customer feel REALLY special. And then try having a 50 table restaurant and start seeing a stream of thumbs down (the best way to lose popularity).

Chapter 4. Popularity management
Let me introduce a new concept here - net popularity gain/loss. It is a measure of how many thumbs up you get versus how many thumbs down you get. Ideally, you would have equal numbers of both. Wait, having thumbs down is good? Yes it is. Because the more thumbs down you get, the more efficient your restaurant is, the faster it is serving out dishes. You will try to aim for as much tables you can afford to have without a net popularity loss. Remember, the aim is to maintain a very high popularity, but we won't cry if we only can manage to hold it at the high 40s.

Chapter 5. Optimisation of production
The steps in a successful sale are:
1. Cook/Prepare Drink
2. Deliver
3. Clean up
Well you need cooks to cook the food or waiters to make the drink, then waiters to deliver it to a customer, and waiters to collect the money and clean up after the customer has left. It is widely understood that workers should be kept at >80% to make them more efficient, waiters should be confined in island layouts to reduce their walking distance, and dishes should be leveled to increase Gourmet Point gain. There is no exception here.

Optimal production means that your cooks/waiters should never be idle. It means you do not have enough tables for them to service, so add more. Without drinks 1 cook to 3 tables, 1 waiter to 6-9 tables 2-3 chefs to a waiter is a general guideline. With drinks 1 cook to 4-5 tables, 1 waiter to 4-5 tables, 1 waiter to 1-2 chefs should be alright. Of course you can make them service more tables if needed. Crank up the number of tables as much as you can without having a net popularity loss.

Chapter 6. Optimising Popularity
Well because higher production leads to more irate customers, we should increase the capability of our restaurant to deal as many of them as possible.

a. Toilets
Have some of them, you might want to have a cleaner if you have extra staff. However it is not necessary as having unclean toilets only means a slight drain on your popularity. If you can make up for that by serving up more dishes by all means just serve up more dishes. Even if you have unclean toilets you still will get the coins and GP from customers. You just won't get the popularity.

b. Arcade machines
Definitely get some of them. As much as possible. You please them here, you can anger them at the tables. Customers who wait too long will go to the machines and play for a while, then they will leave without giving -0.1 popularity. This is huge as the only way you lose popularity is from these people. There's a reason why they are so expensive you know.

c. Waiting chairs
These are good to have as they can cushion a sudden spike in customers coming in, and spread the workload over a period of time. In conjunction with arcade machines they are even better.

Chapter 7. Restaurant layout
Island layouts are definitely the way to go. They save waiters the walking, and the extra manpower saved on waiters can be used as chefs/cleaners instead. And hey, having your tables arranged this way isn't uncool, just think of it as "teppanyaki style" (go google it if you don't know what I'm talking about)

Where to put your toilets? As near the entrance as possible. Since they are only used by people exiting your restaurant. Where to put the waiting chairs? As far in to your restaurant as possible. Some exercise is good for your customers. Maze as much as you can. Make them walk as far as possible to give yourself more time to clean up the money- I mean dishes. Arcade machines? Anywhere will do, just out of the way of everything.

Chapter 8. Conclusion
So, got yourself into the cold-hearted business mindset now? Don't join the mindless popularity craze - in the end its money which matters the most doesn't it? Anger your customers as much as you can afford - the profits are worth it. Look at the attached pictures of my restaurant to see what cold hearted commercialism looks like.

Kalyov's Guide: Restaurant City on a budget

Kalyov's Guide: Restaurant City on a budget

Kalyov's Guide: Restaurant City on a budget

Kalyov's Guide: Restaurant City on a budget

Kalyov's Guide: Restaurant City on a budget

Restaurant City - Forum

Connect to Restaurant City Forum (UnOfficial) to get the tips, tricks, guide, resources and cheats for Playfish's Restaurant City. Get started now using your facebook account. Start Posting now and stand to win fabulous prizes! Join Restaurant City Forum Now!

Restaurant City Drinks Menu

Restaurant City Drinks MenuRestaurant City Drinks Menu. Click Image to Enlarge

Restaurant City: Guide to Employees

1. Who are your employees?
Your employees are anyone (Facebook friends) who works in your restaurant (including yourself!).

2. Where are they?
You will find your employees in the "employee slider" at the bottom of the Restaurant City screen.

3. What can they do?
Each employee can be made to do 1 of 3 different jobs at a time. The jobs are cook, waiter/waitress, cleaner. They can swap from job to job, so your first cook can be made into a cleaner by clicking a different item on the employee, in the employee slider.

4. How can I hire/sack employees?
You can sack any employee at any time (including yourself). To do this you need to select the magnifying glass shaped icon, above the employee slider. When you put your cursor over the icon, the text that appears will say "Hire Friends". When you sack an employee (including yourself), you are required to pay a 200 coin severance pay. The reason you have to pay for yourself is so people cannot just keep sacking and re-hiring to refill energy.
You can only hire an employee if you have a vacancy. You can create a vacancy by sacking someone or levelling up. The levels you will receive a vacancy are levels 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17. The maximum number of employees at one time is 8 (must be level 17+).

5. What does the percentage mean by each employee on the employee slider?
The percentage is how much energy your employee has, therefore how fast they can work. 100% is full energy, and 0% is the opposite.

6. How fast can my employees work?
(Cook) To cook a meal on a stove:16 seconds. All stoves cook at the same speed, but it will take longer for employees with lower energy than the ones with higher energy.
(Waiter/Waitress) To prepare a drink via a fridge or soda dispenser: 12 seconds. Again like the cookers, both the fridge and soda dispenser prepare drinks at the same time, but employee's energy will effect speed.
(Cleaner) To clean a toilet or scrub a section of floor: 5 seconds. Cleaners with slower speed will clean slower.

7. How fast can my employees walk?
According to Ihop Uhop's Guide to Efficient Restaurant Layouts it takes 1.4 times longer to walk a diagonal square than a regular square, which is obviously 0.6 times quicker than walking 2 squares. Walking Speed depends on energy percentage.

8. How much does it cost to re-energise an employee?
It depends on how much energy you want to give them.
25% -60 coins
50% -110 coins
75% -160 coins
100% -200 coins
You can find the option, the "Employee Shop", when you click an employee on the employee slider.

9. How fast does employees energy go down?
It takes 18 minutes for every 10% of energy to be used. So it takes approximately 3 hours for 100% of energy to be used.

10. Is there a free way to increase energy?
Yes, you can put your employee to rest, but it will take 6 minutes per 10% of energy to increase. Also there will be one less staff in your restaurant. This is useful for when you are logging off, most people put their staff to rest, so when they next log on, your staff have 100% energy and are ready to go! This option can be found in the employee spin wheel, next to the "sack" option.

11. What is the purpose of "dressing" an employee?
Dressing an employee can be beneficial for a number of reasons. It can make it clear which person is doing which job. It can make the difference between customers and employees more clear. It can add to a certain theme or style you have chosen for your restaurant. Also it adds to the "Buy __ Avatar Items" award. If you have not got yourself working in your restaurant, you should still consider dressing yourself, because you may be working in a friends restaurants, and you will appear on your Facebook profile, if you have your status on there. The "Dress Yourself" option is above the employee slider. The option to dress other employees is available when you click that employee on the employee slider.

12. Can I change the physical appearance of my employees (excluding me)?
No, the physical appearance (hair, skin and facial features) of other employees will change when that person changes them.

13. Can my avatar work in more than one restaurant?

14. What do the faces mean next to my employees on the employee slider?
Each face refers to the employee's mood, so basically how much energy the employee has. A energetic employee is a happy employee!

15. What is the building icon for next to an employee, whilst he/she is selected?
That sign tells you that person has a restaurant! Clicking it will take you to his/her restaurant. Not all employees will have this sign as you can hire people who do not own a restaurant.

Restaurant City - Flash Uninstaller

Restaurant City - Flash Uninstaller

Description: Sometimes the Flash Player can be a pain. It is even worse when you see Adobe spouting 'Due to recent enhancements to the Flash Player installers, you can now remove the player only by using the Adobe Flash Player uninstaller.' So, according to Adobe, not being able to easily remove Flash Player is an 'enhancement'. Adobe has been around long enough to know better than saying this kind of garbage.

Anyway, in order to purge Flash from your system, you will need this uninstaller. It can be used to help installation problems of the latest version of Flash Player - uninstalling and reinstalling can help fix many common problems. For more information, see this tip on our site:

Download: Flash Uninstaller


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